Hey Its time for one more BarCamp in Pune.
BarCamp Pune happens twice in a year. One in June-July and the other in November-December.
This time there was CLUBHACK event happening in December so BarCamp is delayed by two months or so.
When I was attending Clubhack, I met many BarCamp people and all had same question, When is next BarCamp. :-)
So here it is. It will be on 16th February. I was planning in January only, But Tarun is planning for BlogCamp in Mumbai in January.
Wiki is up and registrations have started.
So what are you waiting for. Do register yourself.
Labels: barcamppune4
I don't agree that this limit is due to the lack of space in ThoughtWorks Pune.
It's more to do with keeping the numbers low to maintain the quality.
We'd observed that this has been a major concern with the BarCamps in Bangalore getting more and more people, and the organizers here finally wanting to go back to the old format of a smaller number of good people.
I'd also say that you shouldn't restrict the registrations themselves. Registration for Barcamp is free, and therefore you'll have a whole bunch of people with varying levels of interest signing up. We have no way of knowing if they'll actually turn up (actual attendance varies between 30% to 60%).
Restrict entry at the venue to 225 on a first come first serve basis. If you want to be sure you'll get in, queue up 30 mins before the venue opens - this way, you implicitly allow in the most interested people because they'll make that extra effort to be there early.
This has always been the system for presenters at Barcamp - if you want the 10:30 am prime time slot, get there early and book it. If not you'll end up speaking at 6:00 pm when everyone's already left. We're simply extending this logic to attendees as well.
This is my 2 paise based what I learned helping organise BCB2 and MoDeMo and having attended BCB3 and BCB5.
If you go into history of BarCamp, It started because there were events which used to entertain only so called geeks.
So according to theme of BarCamp, There should not be any discrimination such as geeks and non geeks.
I still agree with you, Always organizers want quality crowd to come in but restricting numbers may not result in quality crowd. You may end up getting limited numbers of "not so called geeks" attending the event. No offenses meant.
I will anyway remove that part from my blog and from wiki both. Sorry if it did hurt to TW in any way.
I'd not see this as a non-geek and a geek, but rather as a non-interested person and an interested person.
Interested people would get up early on a saturday morning to land up at the venue before time, the non-interested... use your imagination ;)
To be honest, what you mention does not really hurt us in any way.
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