
Friday, August 3, 2007

Fair of skills

Enough of BarCamps, Enough of Open source camps, Enough of Mobile Mondays, And Enough of BlogCamps. Now its a time for a real technical event, where people will only be talking about pure technical "HowTos" and technical skills.

This will be the first event of its kind in India and and and Its going to be PUNE to witness it.

Registrations are already started. Please visit wiki to register yourself.

Event is going to be on 18th of August in Symbiosis distance learning campus, Pune.

Idea of Skillscamp was coined by Freeman long time back. And He had a good presentation on the idea at BarCampPune3.

I with few of my other friends got interested in it and talked to Freeman to have such an event which will really help industry and will improve skills of the industry.

So be there and grow your skills.

Question to Linux lovers


I have seen many people commenting on Microsoft strategy. They say, "MS copy things", like I heard people saying that MS has copied look and feel of MAC OS in MS Vista. I agree with all of them. But but but I have one question for all of them.

Every new Linux distributions i see, They try to make things more and more similar to MS OS to attract people to switch to Linux. "Isn't it copying MS OS?"